Monday, August 25, 2008

The lacking topic

I seem to have a problem.- I want to write, but I am not quite sure as to what I want to write about. I read some stuff about writing a web logg (blog) and there seems to be about as many opinions about blogging as there are bloggers. What you should write about, what you must write about, what to avoid at all costs and how you are formulate your sentences are points which are very much not agreed upon, so I've decided that while I stretch my journal/log legs I'll try to dabble in various topics with no general heading. It's not like I actually expect anyone to read my blog at all - I simply toss my not-too-carefully formulated sentances out there in the void.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

MSI wind

So... not the last one then. But still for recreational purposes. I am now writing on my brand new MSI wind U100, and seriously... all I've read about it is true; it's simply just perfect! it's small, black, shiny, and just about flawless. It would have been a tad more soundless if I went for a eee or asus with an SSD instead of the 80gb HD. I've now got 10hours++ of movies with me and 28 days of continous music where ever I go and all the applications such as MS office and photoshope cs is running pretty much smoothly. It might slow down a bit if I run too many applications at once, but it's no real issue (you don't have a netbook as your primary anyways). Not much to say about it that you can't get from a pc-mag review or an unboxing on youtube. I'll just conclude with saying that I don't regret my choice of the Msi wind at all. - I was kinda hoping to see the lenovo and dell netbooks on the market before I went for a netbook, but oh well.

Monday, August 18, 2008

First. Last?

This is my first, and quite probably last post of my weblogg. I have no ambition to blog a lot, but who knows... maybe I'll end up typing for recreational purposes from time to time. If I were to blog, it would have to be about something I feel strongly about. Or perhaps not. See where I am going with this? Me neither. It might be life, politics, health, technology, games, scuba, scubagear, fishing, but it's hard to tell if I'll ever feel the urge. Because, to type a bit frankly, blogs in general tend to annoy me a great deal. Kids sitting at home, having to spill their guts about the last thing they've read on teh intarweb. There's no news, little and no new ideas worthy of anyone elses time and no information that you won't be able to dig up better sources on yourself. Fuck blogs.